Following the success of the recent conference in Manila, PARIMA is set to extend insightful educational sessions for risk professionals in Shanghai on June 21, 2017.
The PARIMA Conferences 2017 revolve around the theme ‘Sustainable, Resilient and Intelligent Future’. In Shanghai, topics such as ERM, Risk Process Improvement, Cyber, Project Risks, Supply Chain Risks, Political and Regulatory Risks, Operational Risks, Insurance, etc. would be discussed.
Senior risk managers from multiple industries such as BMW, CP Group, Huawei, INPEX Corporation, Intercontinental Hotel Group, International SOS, Lazada Group, Myanmar Brewery, Qisda Corporation, PT ABM Investama, Reliance Industries, Rolls-Royce and many more are expected to attend as delegates.
Attendance to the conference would be complimentary to PARIMA members. To learn more about the event and to reserve your seat, please visit our website
For sponsorship opportunities, kindly contact Ms. Stacey Huang.